D3.js in QML

I wanted to do a physics-based layout in QML, to have bouncing bubbles etc.

D3.js  has everything that I needed, but it needed to be tweaked to get it to run:

  • Create some dummy functions to stub the webbrowser javascript functions clearTimeout() and setTimeout()  that we don’t have
  • Create a QML Timer to replace them and manually call force.tick()
  • Use dummy objects for D3 to manipulate, and then set the position of our real graphics to the determined position of the dummy objects.  This is needed because D3 takes x,y coordinates to be the center of the object, whereas qml uses x,y to mean the top left.

It worked pretty well, and now I can do things like this in QML:


diff --git a/d3.js b/d3.js
index 8868e42..7aac164 100644
--- a/d3.js
+++ b/d3.js
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
-!function() {
-  var d3 = {
+function clearTimeout() {
+function setTimeout() {
+var d3;
+  d3 = {
     version: "3.5.5"
@@ -9503,2 +9508,1 @@
-  this.d3 = d3;
\ No newline at end of file

(The ds.min.js file is also patched in the same way)

And in QML:

import QtQuick 2.2
import "."
import QtSensors 5.0
import "d3.js" as D3

Rectangle {
    id: bubbleContainer
    width: 1000
    height: 1000
    //clip: true

    property int numbubbles: 200;
    property real bubbleScaleFactor: 0.1
    property real maxBubbleRadius: width*0.15*bubbleScaleFactor + width/20*bubbleScaleFactor
    property variant bubblesprites: []

    function createBubbles() {
        var bubblecomponent = Qt.createComponent("bubble.qml");
        var radius = Math.random()*width*0.15*bubbleScaleFactor + width/20*bubbleScaleFactor
        bubblesprites.push(bubblecomponent.createObject(bubbleContainer, {"x": width/2-radius , "y": height/2 - radius, "radius":radius, "color":  "#ec7e78" } ));
        var xLeft = -radius
        var xRight = radius
        for (var i=1; i < numbubbles; ++i) {             var radius2 = Math.random()*width*0.15*bubbleScaleFactor + width/20*bubbleScaleFactor             var y = height*(0.5 + (Math.random()-0.5))-radius2             if (i % 2 === 0) {                 bubblesprites.push(bubblecomponent.createObject(bubbleContainer, {"x": xLeft, "y": y, "radius":radius2 } ));                 xLeft += radius2*2             } else {                 xRight -= radius2*2                 bubblesprites.push(bubblecomponent.createObject(bubbleContainer, {"x": xRight, "y": y, "radius":radius2 } ));             }         }     }     function boundParticle(b) {         if (b.y > height - b.radius)
            b.y = height - b.radius
        if (b.y < b.radius)             b.y = b.radius         if (b.x > width*2.5)
            b.x = width*2.5
        if (b.x < -width*2)
            b.x = -width*2

    property real padding: width/100*bubbleScaleFactor;
    function collide(node) {
        var r = node.radius + maxBubbleRadius+10,
              nx1 = node.x - r,
              nx2 = node.x + r,
              ny1 = node.y - r,
              ny2 = node.y + r;
        return function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
            if (quad.point && (quad.point !== node)) {
              var x = node.x - quad.point.x,
                  y = node.y - quad.point.y,
                  l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
                  r = node.radius + quad.point.radius + padding;
              if (l < r) {                 l = (l - r) / l * .5;                 node.x -= x *= l;                 node.y -= y *= l;                 quad.point.x += x;                 quad.point.y += y;               }             }             return x1 > nx2 || x2 < nx1 || y1 > ny2 || y2 < ny1;

    property var nodes;
    property var force;

    Component.onCompleted: {

    Timer {
        id: initializeTimer
        interval: 20;
        running: false;
        repeat: false;
        onTriggered: {
            nodes = D3.d3.range(numbubbles).map(function() { return {radius: bubblesprites[this.index]}; });
            for(var i = 0; i < numbubbles; ++i) {
                nodes[i].radius = bubblesprites[i].radius;
                nodes[i].px = nodes[i].x = bubblesprites[i].x+bubblesprites[i].radius
                nodes[i].py = nodes[i].y = bubblesprites[i].y+bubblesprites[i].radius
            nodes[0].fixed = true;

            force = D3.d3.layout.force().gravity(0.05).charge(function(d, i) { return 0; }).nodes(nodes).size([width,height])
            nodes[0].px = width/2
            nodes[0].py = height/2
            force.on("tick", function(e) {
                var q = D3.d3.geom.quadtree(nodes),i = 0,
                        n = nodes.length;
                while (++i < n) q.visit(collide(nodes[i]));
                for(var i = 0; i < numbubbles; ++i) {
                    bubblesprites[i].x = nodes[i].x - nodes[i].radius;
                    bubblesprites[i].y = nodes[i].y - nodes[i].radius;

    Timer {
        id: timer
        interval: 26;
        running: false;
        repeat: true;
        onTriggered: {

And bubble.qml is trivial:

import QtQuick 2.0
Rectangle {
    color: "#f3bab3"
    radius: 5
    width: radius*2
    height: width

The full code is here

7 thoughts on “D3.js in QML

  1. Interesting. Do you think it is possible to use d3.js inside QML to plot line charts? It seems d3.js manipulates the DOM which is not supported under QML. For example, near the top of d3.js you have “var d3_document = this.document;” which is undefined under QML. Any suggestion?


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